Who was saturn?


Over the weekend my sister and I got in to a debate over who Saturn was and what he stood for. Can anyone refresh my memory and remind me who he was so I can figure out which one of us was right?


Well-Known Member
Saturn stood for agriculture and vegetation. He seems to be the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Demeter.


Active Member
I believe Saturn was the Roman equivalent to Cronos.
In Roman mythology, after Cronos(Saturn), was defeated by Zeus(Jupiter), he travelled to Rome and founded a golden age.
This age was celebrated during the festival called Saturnalia.
He is associated with time, and in astrology, the planet Saturn is a rather grim, negative planet.


Active Member
According to Pindar and Homer Cronus or Saturn ruled during the Golden Age; the Golden Age was a time of peace and prosperity, men didn't have to work because the Earth was bountiful and there was no need for law because man knew nothing of immorality. It wasn't until Jupiter overthrew his father and banished him to Tartarus that the other ages began. Cronus is banished to Tartarus with the other Titans, but after a time Jupiter releases him and allows him to rule over Elysium, he is made a king and law giver and there begins another Golden Age.