The viking religion is the religion of heroic conquest


New Member
The Math of Ethics

Pleasure stolen = p
Free will inhibited = i
Suffering induced = s
Pleasure contributed = d
Free will enhanced = f
Suffering absolved = z
Culpability = c

Culpability calculates to the % of what occurs one takes the credit for. Personal responsibility. Culpability for inhibiting free will means losing an equivalent amount of control, enhancing the potency of freedom means reward in strengthening one's own autonomy. If one has done both, the smaller figure is subtracted from the larger figure.

I consider the simplest way to define Culpability Personal free will in interaction with the emotional and / or sensory experience of others.

And and / or subtract p i s from d f z = reward and / or consequence deserved according to eye for an eye scales.

As an example of how the imaginary number representation of intuited quantities can be reduced to real numbers, say it is possible to telepathically or (hopefully) indirectly monitor exact quantity of suffering endured by various individuals, one of whom is just bored and one of whom is severely tortured. Take the smallest isolatable quantity of suffering to be a single unit. The mildest form of measurable boredom, s = 1. Severe tortured divided by 1 = quantity, such as s = 1,789,023,789,074,189,902,146.

These mathematical scales are designed to apply to eye for an eye justice if applied without discriminating.

Ethical conduct, then, is defined by what (most emphatically) in the long term contributes to alleviating suffering, enhancing pleasure and free will.

Probability of truth or untruth Calculates (by my scales, until I witness to better measures) to degree of abstraction between one's self and a total retention of all relevant variables, meaning components of the answer to the question. V1, V2, V3, V4 ... The abstraction is the opportunity to project A False (if baited by pride) or series of false guesses.


New Member
The Math of War

Time: the calculation of causality, continuation, interacting motions of varying directional goals and rates of speed. Especially physical and intellectual human interaction of a hostile nature.

Even a number is a useful abstraction of the quantity it represents. Chakra systems are memory systems, and the least abstract method of experiencing the causation of strategic advantage and disadvantage, if quantities remain accurate, is the most effective.

Visualizing a map on a graph, zoom into the map until the representation of the terrain becomes an image of the terrain itself. May require extensive study of satellite images, such as those provided by Google Maps.

Army Attributes - ENEMY / ALLIES / OWN

Quantity: Overall # of troops.

Morale / Discipline: Motivation as momentum & the identification of success.

Economy: Overall money and goods of exchange available to purchase military resources.

Supplies: Availability of food, shelter, and necessary tools.

Weapons: Availability of ammunition, quantity and quality of.

Anticipation: Quantifiable ability to position the army before the battle, in accordance with an effective survey of one's enemies.

Terrain Advantage: Familiarity, high ground, cooperative local allies and hostile gorillas.

Military Division Attributes

Movement Rate: Determined by speed of slowest unit in the splinter.

Formation: Organizational effectiveness of an individual lump sum of troops working as one thing.

Quantity: q1 = quantity unit type 1, q2, q3, q4

Unit Attributes

Skill: range/accuracy, efficiency, obedience, experience, familiarity of surroundings / survivalist quality, susceptibility to enemy influence.

Discipline: whether training encourages morale, whether it is rigid and mechanical or leaves room for creative situational adaptation, precision of response; military formations and memorized tactics.

Health: Injury/Disease/Environmental Stress/Mental Fatigue/Physical and Mental Energy

Size: How much terrain does a unit occupy?

Command Attributes

Respect: Boosts/decreases morale & obedience. Impacted by social conditioning and present situation.

Education: Quantified upon range of study as conflict applicable.


Espionage - surveillance, resource theft and sabotage, brainwashing, propaganda, strategic assassination, booby-traps, and the thwarting of such tactics.

Defense - the reducing of one's militaries to unkillable status

Offense - the maiming and killing of enemies

Retreat - the acknowledgement that unkillable status a future achievement

Mixed tactics induce mindfulness of the option to combine any or all the above.

Establishing tactical validity means researching historic context and latest scientific data on the subject.


New Member
Networking Tactics of Astral Espionage

The mission statement of the network, and the emotional and ethical motivation of its leadership hierarchy, are all that of an absolute necessity new recruits are owed, and responsible for obtaining. If a network is to have rights to leathal offensive maneuvers, this classification of information is to be categorized "We need to know" 100% of the time.

Are our leaders to be sociopaths or infernalists or something?

Science and mind reading should help to establish a burden of proof in concern to such in excess of what has been possible during any prior historic epoch. Astral travel and mind reading provide one the ability to network non locally upon a hierarchy of trust (love, sanity, and intelligence) anywhere on the planet, and no monetary expense is required of the effort.

Networking sanity requires astrally uniting and supplementing the rate of progress of the global science of psychiatry and psychology. If of an underground persuasion, intel on prioritizing non detection (the meaning of "underground"), the burden of proof requried of licensed psychiatrists and soldiers should be thoroughly researched and exceeded if anyone's degree is to be for any reason invisible.

N Tactic 1) Networking in the present mind, "I am trustworthy now," so as to motivate global emotional shifts in internal motivation and ability to be sane and altruistic. Once the rules of doctor patient confidentiality can be validated telepathically between therapist and anonymous untrustworthy sorts, membership benefits of proven fact trustworthiness can be used to seduce global trends toward the solutions to all problems (including Global Warming).

This recruiting tactic is not to be confused with an investigative technique. Its success requires thoroughly scientifically validating precision of present minded data extraction, so as to thoroughly test the system for slightest presence of loophole.

How many ways are there to falsify the impression of sane trustworthiness before a mind reader?

N Tactic 2) Manifest a hierarchy of exclusivity based upon how far recruits are willing to go to prove they can be trusted. This tactic may merge with Tactic 1, but in the beginning stages of Astral Networking thoroughness may require a categorization of information a minority or majority does not consent to provide.

N Tactic 3) That time tested middle ground between precision and thoroughness of information extracted.

N Tactic 4) 7billion recruitment possibilities exist, $0 is required to recruit upon a hierarchy of lack of discrimination protecting consent, and $0 is required to travel anywhere in astral form.

Anyone that is at least altruistically motivated and not under suspicion of crimes, regardless of sanity level or intellectual ability level, has the right to learn, and therefore be taught, how to be immune to telepathic mind control.


New Member
Defensive Maneuvers of Astral Espionage

Anyone who can read your mind without your knowledge or that of your team can completely enslave your will and radically re-condition your psyche.

D Tactic 1) Know thyself. To resist the impact of mind control, learn to remain the same with the exception of increased discipline resisting. It may be useful, before exposed to a mind control vulnerability, to emorize an ideal self as vividly as one's actual to move toward.

D Tactic 2) An efficiency motivated group trained alongside one another, to know the nuances of each other's psyches, can check point each other for subtle or blunt psychological changes that the group consents to explicitly ban ahead of time. The check points should be thoroughly memorized to decrease probability of team's detection.

"Check points" can involve stable locations only the group itself is aware of, or a complex time and location memorized shifting pattern. The physical body's probability of interception decreases if its location is complex because if the physical body is always at the same place the astral enemy only has to intersect w/ that location once to intercept one's entire team. It is also easier to monitor one another with great frequency if one's locations are concealed yet stable.

D Tactic 3) When necessary to confront and telepathically validate intel, or when you are otherwise required to provide an enemy with the opportunity to brainwash you via the obvious nature of your physical location, you have the option of permitting a team of friendlies to monitor your brain 24/7 while defending themselves utilizing D Tactic 2. Make sure you are thorough in explaining to them what they are allowed to "block," so they don't wind up accidentally brainwashing you themselves.

D Tactic 4) If intercepted anyhow and isolated from one's defenders, have a plan. Attempt to keep one's attackers calm and sane, and seek to eliminate their selfish advantage in remaining inside your head.

If you know you have been intercepted, you have the option of Seeking therapy, Attempting to induce self paralysis so that a hostile enemy cannot force you to do anything wrong - such as by committing a "victiminless" long term sentence crime publically, or to Have a signal memorized that doesn't make your behavior look abnormal and that only your team recognizes, a method of revealing your physical location to your pre-existing friendlies. You can also attempt to alert the psychic community in general, or an eyeballed trusted faction of it, to your physical location.

Unique situational parameters demand the ability to adapt.


New Member
Offensive Manuevers of Astral Espionage

Tracking the Enemy

I will use as an example three categories I consider rational for professional militaries to track: Networked Racists Who Commit Murder, Third World Child Slavery, and WMDs.

Three basic levels of training are required of one's military to intercept these threats, and in the case of WMDs, a certain level of training & trust is necessary of those you turn the things over to. In my opinion only professional soldiers should ever make the attempt, and every private citizen should know the receiving team is striving to disable the WMDs and will never use them.

Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be used without inducing civilian casualties, as weapons of war, which amounts to terrorism.

The provable immunity level to mind control sanity level and degree of trust is required of militaries and governments tasked with intercepting and disbanding WMDs of no intent to ever use them.

In the case of Networked Racists who Commit Murder, especially Nazi Occultists ( such as the Nazi Satanist Movement, a plausible origin of mass Satanic Ritual Abuse hysteria, the religious fanatical version of Racist Sociopathy as a mass conversion device of the habit of recruiting through popular websites), the military to be tracked may possess a thorough working knowledge of astral espionage. One's intercept team should possess the second highest validated ability to resist mind control because such a high probability exists it will be encountered.

Third world child slavery, if the region is not considered exceptionally psychic, requires the lowest degree of training out of these three basic categories - and if hard research indicates this issue to be an epidemic problem, difficult to solve, the easiest cause to recruit the masses to participate in alleviating. Discipline and a strong stomach.

World History Cliffs AP (2006) pg 132 states that Saudi Arabia was shipping sex slaves out of Africa at least one hundred years prior to the Atlantic (British-American) labor slave trade. They were initially the sex slaves of Saudi Arabian royalty. This was legal until the 1960s.

O Tactic 1) Astral travel + mind reading. Every country possesses a list of registered hate crime offenders and registered sex offenders. All the convicted suspects, invisibly force them to reference their every memory as to who else is guilty. Intercept from the astral plane, provide astral trials.

O Tactic 2) Astral travel + mind reading: intercept the accusers according to the severity of their unconfirmed accusations. If they are to be rescued according to their own testimony you don't need their permission.

O Tactic 3) On the field tracking maneuvers of a classic nature concerning astral combatives are supplimented not hindered by astral awareness. Do not forget to read pre-existing research.

O Tactic 4) Psychic research may reveal that learning through focus to inhibit abstraction, to with a large retention faculty learn how to travel directly through causality, it may be possible to travel directly through a "hologram" of the past present and future, learning to move directly at will to the desired piece of information. According to the 8th Circuit Model of Human Consciousness, this is the Eighth Circuit.

O Tactic 5) If the enemy has an astral body, telepathically mind control it to shrink down to a manageable size to await trial. Keep this astral body exceedingly small so few resources are required to keep the individual imprisoned.

A Reminder of the Importance of Ethical Advantage

Standardized fairness wins the #s game concerning ally recruitment.

Personal Culpability = free will violates that of others.

Time to Decide = free will to calculate whether and how to act.

Immediacy of Threat to Life as Promoted by the Free Will of Another = the legal definition of the only moment it is appropriate to kill an aggressor without reflection.